

CouponCooler is number #1 coupon provider website in the US. It helps users in saving money through various coupons, promo codes, deals, and offers. CouponCooler offers discount coupons and deals for top categories varying from shopping, traveling to Fooding and more. CouponCooler provides deals for smart shoppers.

Marketing Strategy

CoouponCooler is wholly based upon online marketing. All its coupons and offers are offered through its online portal. now-a-days every businessman and organization are moved toward online business. When businesses moved online then why not the customers? This is the reason CouponCooler has targeted those customers who use the internet as their source to shop, fooding, and traveling. This website is developed in PHP Laravel Framework with a responsive design used HTML5 and CSS3 components. We built a unique and attractive web design which is based on an attractive visual identity and it's more efficient to the target audience than the competition. We made the website which is user-friendly and easy to navigate, so the users will easily grab the discount and offers.

These are the several technologies Used:

1) PHP
2) Laravel
3) MySql
4) HTML5
5) JQuery


1) Handle the process of discount coupons distribution and allocation according to the factors.
2) Provide a powerful backend with dedicated purposes.
3) Practically present available discount coupons and offers.
4) Improve content throughout the site to drive SEO strategies and increase leads.
5) Create natural user experiences for both consumer and commercial audiences
6) Improves SEO performance (Fully SEO Friendly website)
7) Implement fully responsive backed by CMS