
MathsPhy website has been developed with the intention to provide quality education at the lowest possible price for the students deprived of personalized expensive teaching help.

Our Client, Mr. Abhishek, and our team designed this website with our joint efforts and design strategies. We are glad that our team completely made our client happy by fulfilling client's design expectations and motive to represent website different than other regular looking websites.

This website is developed in Laravel (PHP) platform with the responsive design used HTML5 and CSS3 components. Few 3rd party resources also were used for this website like social login with facebook and google, Highest Vimeo plan with all possible security measures was added in MathsPhy to display tutorial videos, as membership is paid on the website. Payment gateway was also required in Mathsphy so we used most reliable payment option for accepting online payments i.e. CCAvenue.

We are very much confident that this unconventional way of teaching will help users of the website in understanding maths in a better and a quick way. Students can use this website on mobile devices, Ipads/Iphones, desktop/laptops as well as on smart TV.

We are very much happy for Client, as he is getting a very positive response from websites and their users are appreciating the quality, speed and user friendliness this website having.

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