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Best 7 PHP Framework in 2021

Apr 14, 2021   Gourav Bajaj   WEBSITE DEVELOPEMENT

Best 7 PHP Framework in 2021

Developing a website or application is an art that needs perfection, lots of proper techniques, and knowledge about PHP programming language. Good development results in better online business performance.

PHP is the most popular programming language that is used by the best developers worldwide whether they are developing a static website, dynamic websites, web applications, or any other. Website development and software development companies all around the world use the best PHP framework to develop websites or web applications for different requirements of the clients. Different PHP frameworks are used to develop different types of websites or applications.

There is a wide range of PHP framework options are available that many website development companies use to complete their development projects. Most of the PHP frameworks are available as open-source, which means you can use them without paying any fees or charges. You can choose according to your requirement and business need that will suit you.

Best 7 PHP Framework in 2021

  1. Laravel
  2. CodeIgniter
  3. Symfony
  4. Yii
  5. Cake PHP
  6. Slim Framework
  7. Lumen

Let’s begin with the best 7 PHP framework in 2021 that you can use to develop not only a website but also for the web or desktop application.

1) Laravel


Laravel is known as one of the best and most popular PHP frameworks that uncountable website developers use around the globe. Laravel was initially launched in 2011 and very soon it takes place in the market. Laravel e framework has its own template language that helps in creating HTML layouts easily. The template language of the Laravel framework is called “Blade”.

Laravel is free or we can say an open-source web development framework. Laravel 8 is the latest version you can use and an LTS version is also available (Laravel 6.0 LTS) but the older versions are not maintained now.

The different types of attractive features, packages of services, and applications allow developers to work faster and conveniently.

According to the researches, Laravel is used by small companies as well as by large industries or enterprises. A survey also shows that half of the PHP Web Development Company or developers use Laravel as it can be used for any type of project whether it’s SaaS, e-commerce, or any other application project.

Some of the main benefits that Laravel Development Company get while using this framework-

  • As it is easy to learn and its great documentation is beneficial and beginners can start from here, it would be a good option for them.
  • Syntax available here is very straightforward and it makes Laravel very easy to learn and work on even when the user has no experience.
  • Packages and applications can be installed easily to add different types of features.
  • We all want latest features when we are investing to develop the best and Laravel has almost all the features that an advanced & latest application requires.

2) CodeIgniter


CodeIgniter Web Framework comes under the best of best PHP framework that allows developers to create projects rapidly. It is very small in size (the latest version’s size around 1.2 MB). It is also an open-source or free PHP framework platform that many website development company use to complete projects for various requirements.

Just like most of the PHP frameworks, CodeIgniter also uses the MVC approach and pattern to create projects Features like caching, final support of multiple databases, and other related features that are very important and useful in today’s modern application world. You will see these features at your side while creating any project that you can use in a flexible way to make your work different.

Many small and large organizations use CodeIgniter web framework to create projects of APIs and small or lightweight web applications. The feature that you can enjoy at Code Igniter includes-

  • CodeIgniter has great in performance because of faster loading speed and also it requires less optimization.
  • CodeIgniter has MVC pattern but you can also choose from design pattern that suites you.
  • Because of fewer built-in features, it has a small overall footprint and small in size.

3) Symfony

Symfony framework is also on the list of the best PHP framework for website development.

Apart from this, Symfony also offers a set of 50 stand-alone reusable PHP components for convenient and faster web application development projects. These types of PHP components are also used in other open-source tools to provide better efficiency.

Symfony framework also allows developers to create web apps, microservices, & APIs and it is a good reason that Symfony is one of the best choices for many developers across the world.

Some of the features and advantages you can enjoy while using the Symfony web framework for development includes-

  • It uses open source Doctrine ORM as an alternate for writing repetitive codes.
  • Symfony provides a faster and more secured template engine called Twig.
  • You have more than 50 decoupled components that are easy to install and helps in work.
  • To manage access Symfony offers “Lock” component.
  • It supports MySql, Oracle, PostgreSQL, SQLite, SQL Server, and SAP Sybase, and more.

4) Yii


Yii web framework is also an open-source framework that can be used to build applications and websites. It is known for the faster, secure, and flexible web development that’s why it is on the top PHP frameworks list.

Yii framework working pattern is based on the OOP & MVC. It is analyzed that the Yii framework is much faster as compared to other PHP frameworks. Developers around the globe recommend Yii for building well-functioning web apps.

Security mechanisms that the Yii framework offers include XSS, cross-site scripting, and cross-site request forgery prevention. In order to improve the performance of any web application, cashing comes up as a very effective way as it helps in reducing response time & boosts speed.

The installation process of Yii is very easy and simple. After downloading the Yii framework from their official website or through composer, now the developer just needs to connect the extracted files to the database, and after configuration, you are ready to build projects.

The main thing that makes Yii a great framework is that it offers features such as forums, discussion groups, live chat & news, etc. You have big support available in the fro of plugins and different components that are very useful while building applications.

5) Cake PHP framework


It is a framework with less configuration but allows you to build PHP applications quickly and conveniently. You can build both simple as well as complex software systems on the Cake PHP framework as it offers flexible database access and very powerful & unique features. Cake PHP framework is a very old and matured framework that dives into the market in the early 2000s and makes its place very soon and at this time it is filled with uncountable features. Companies and brands like Hyundai, BMW, MIT, Billabong, Edureka, and many others use the Cake PHP framework platform for their web applications. By seeing this, you can get things clear that it is a very good PHP framework for developing web applications.

Some of the special features of Cake PHP framework include-

  • Cake PHP also supports design patterns such as associate data mapping, front controller, and more.
  • You can get paid support whenever you want if required.
  • Ready to use caching, authentication, database APIs features, validation are available for your better work and performance.

6) Slim Framework


Slim is a PHP micro-framework used for web development. The above frameworks were full stake frameworks but Slim is a minimalistic web application development framework, which means you got fewer features as compared to the other frameworks.

Heavy features such as database access tools are not available in the Slim framework but you can build simple and amazing web applications & APIs. To let you develop applications easily, it has features such as routing, middleware, and much more.

If you want to build microservices, APIs for single-page applications, and scalable systems, the Slim PHP framework can help you and that’s why it is on the list of the best PHP frameworks of 2021.

Key features of Slim PHP framework-

  • By using few coding lines, you can build faster and lightweight APIs.
  • It can handle several requests at a time, as result loading time is faster in this framework.
  • User gets better freedom to use key functionalities that are available in this framework.
  • It has minimum support for HTTP requests but provides higher flexibility and extensibility to complete projects more conveniently and in less time.

7) Lumen


Like the Slim framework, Lumen is also standing in a line of micro-frameworks. It is a well-developed and maintained platform by the creators of the Laravel framework community.

If you are a frequent Laravel user and have a good experience with it, you will like to work and feel familiar with the Lumen. You can build APIs for single-page applications, microservices, and other back-end services as required by the different types of businesses.

If you are well known with the Laravel, you will not face any of the problems to run this micro-framework. As it is lighter and convenient than Laravel in understanding and using, you need minimal configuration to get started and working on it. A modern framework solution for the different application development needs.

Choose SAM Web Studio for the best PHP framework

Now when you are well aware of the best PHP frameworks that you can opt to develop websites and applications and their strengths and features, pick one to get your application or website developed amazingly.

But, as we all know, it is a technical word of website designing and development, you definitely need an expert’s advice to pick one.

If you are looking for the best website development agency that can deliver you a project according to your requirements and inputs, contact SAM Web Studio at +91 9968353570 and our professionals will help you in picking the best PHP framework for developmentwhether you want an ecommerce website development or web or desktop application.

We offer an extensive range of premium website development services that helps in providing a competitive edge to your business. At SAM Web Studio, our aim is to deliver the professional and affordable web solutions.

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