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Dec 28, 2017 Bhawna Yadav DIGITAL MARKETING
Social media has played a key role in the evolution of online shopping. Do you know 9 out of 10 consumers turn to social media for help with a buying decision and about 80% of people purchased something as they saw it on social media sites? About 90 percent of them saying they trust product recommendations and suggestions from their peers. So, avoiding social media isn't an option if you want to compete on social channels like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Pinterest, and list is so long.
So, if you’re looking to leverage the power of social media to grow your business, then establish both paid and unpaid strategies. Some social media campaign ideas to inspire you are listed below.
Good and quality content is what sets your e-commerce site apart from the masses. So, it is indispensable your e-commerce site is regularly on social networks so as to survive the online world. Post unique and awesome content for moving or inspiring to your followers, be it news, pictures, special offer, phrases, any kind of information. You need to be in touch with your audience in order to know their lifestyle and preferences since publishing the right content will increase your chances of having your post shared, retweet your tweet and it been seen by more people, immediately impacting the visibility of your site, its followers and potential buyers.
Running a photo contest is one of the most effective ways to increase engagement, generate Facebook likes, spread awareness of your Facebook page and uncover some user-generated content. Above all, a Facebook photo competition is one of the best ways to achieve social media goals of your business. You can use an app to run a contest in a tab on your Facebook page, and prompt your fans to submit photos related to your brand. Some key things your photo contest needs on Facebook are a unique title that grabs the eye, entry & prize info, share buttons & Facebook comments, entry submission form and entry & prize information.
Sharing is caring. Social media is a great tool that, when used in the right way, can promote friendly sharing in the form of customer reviews. You should be able to invite your following to share their experiences, thoughts, and ideas with you through customer reviews. For example- Love it? Hate it?. Some of the tips on how to encourage your friendly following to contribute content to your website through customer reviews are Befriend Your Customers, Provide Them Something Exclusive, Must Include them in the content, Encourage Sharing, Respond Back, Build Opportunities and so on.
Build An Engaging Presence On Social Media
Having a great, social media presence can help your business grow like a flowering plant. To increase awareness of your brand online, you need to build a targeted community and identify your business goals and objectives. This means to ensure you know what you are going after and before you start posting. Hiring a SEO company in Delhi who provides SMM (Social media marketing) is really a great decision. Besides, must understand your target audience needs as it will help you be able to interact with them closely. If you want to ensure each social media network you are involved in serves a purpose, then start a marketing calendar, and add all of your upcoming blog posts, events or whatever you have decided to do into this calendar. Also, optimize your Social Media Accounts by using keywords. Remember, use those keywords that go with your business.
Therefore, your eCommerce marketing can drive effective sales growth through social media channels, by both paid, and unpaid campaigns. Both paid search and organic search techniques must be used altogether because as both are necessary to drive traffic to your website.